Harikesh S. Wong
Education & Training
2022 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Immunology & Systems Biology
NIH, NIAID, Bethesda MD, Supervisor: Dr Ronald N. Germain
2016 PhD, Cell Biology
University of Toronto, Toronto ON, Supervisor: Dr. Lisa Robinson & Dr. Sergio Grinstein
2010 BSc, Biochemistry
McMaster University, Hamilton ON
Teaching & Service
2024-Present Curriculum Director, MIT Computational and Systems Biology PhD Program
2024-Present Co-associate Director, HST 175 “Cellular and Molecular Immunology”
2024-Present Co-organizer and Co-instructor, MIT 7.38/7.83 “Design Principles of Biological Systems”
2023-Present Co-organizer and Co-instructor, MIT 7.093/7.573 & 7.094/7.574 “Modern Biostatistics & Modern Computational Biology”