Selected Publications

Regulatory T cells constrain T cells of shared specificity to enforce tolerance during infection
Klawon, D.E.J.+, Pagane N.+, Walker, M.T., Ganci, N.K., Miller, C.H., Gai, E., Rodriguez, D.M., Ryan-Payseur, B.K., Duncombe, R.K., Adams, E.J., Maienschein-Cline, M., Freitag, N.E., Germain, R.N.*, Wong, H.S.*, Savage, P.A.*
Science (in press), 2024

+Equal contribution
*Co-senior authorship

SpectraPlex: A powerful toolbox for advanced 3D high-multiplex imaging.
Roberti, J.M., Hecht, F., Gai, E., Steinmetz, I., Holzmeister, S., Straka, T., Wong, H.S., Alvarez, L.
Nature Methods, Application Note, 2024

Non-coding sequence variation reveals fragility in interleukin 2 feedback circuitry and shapes autoimmune disease risk
Simeonov, D.R.+, Park, K.+, Cortez, J. T., Young, A., Li, Z., Nguyen, V., Umhoefer, J., Indart, A., Woo, J.M., Anderson, M.S., Tsang, J.S., Germain, R.N.*, Marson, A.M.*, Wong, H.S.*
BioRxiv, 2023

+Equal contribution
*Co-senior authorship

A local regulatory T cell feedback circuit maintains immune homeostasis by pruning self-activated T cells
Wong, H.S., Park, K., Gola, A., Baptista, A.P., Miller, C.H., Deep, D., Lou, M., Boyd, L.F., Rudensky, A.Y., Savage, P.A., Altan-Bonnet, G., Tsang, J.S., Germain, R.N.
Cell, 2021
Highlighted in Volume control: Turning the dial on regulatory T cells,  Brown, C.C., and Gottschalk, R.A, Cell, 2021

Mesoscale T cell antigen discrimination emerges from intercellular feedback
Wong, H.S. & Germain, R.N.
Trends in Immunology, 2021
Best of 2021 Collection: Trends in Immunology

Commensal-driven immune zonation of the liver promotes host defence
Gola, A., Dorrington, M.G., Speranza, E., Sala, C., Shih, R.M., Radtke, A.J., Wong, H.S., Baptista, A.P., Hernandez, J.M., Castellani, G., Fraser, I.D.C., Germain, R.N.
Nature, 2021

Robust control of the adaptive immune system
Wong, H.S. & Germain, R.N.
Seminars in Immunology, 2018